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Kili API Overview

Kili provides an API interface to better integrate with your data science workflow. It is a very flexible tool that lets you query and mutate data quickly and painlessly.

It is possible thanks to the GraphQL query language (an alternative to REST APIs). In GraphQL, the response data structure mirrors the requested data structure. Because it's strongly typed, this language eliminates problems with returning too little data (under-fetching) or too much data (over-fetching).

You can access the API directly from the GraphQL Playground.

To be able to use Kili API, you must first generate an API key. For details, refer to Creating an API key.


A Kili API key has a one-year lifespan. You will be warned 30 days before the expiry of your api key that you must create a new one.

If you have trouble accessing the API on Github, contact [email protected].

For extensive documentation for our API, refer to GraphQL API reference.

Formulating GraphQL queries may be a complex process. Here are the two alternatives that we prepared:

  • If you prefer to operate on the Kili API using Python methods, we've prepared the Kili Python SDK. For more information, refer to the Python SDK documentation.
  • If you prefer to operate on the Kili API using a CLI-like interface, refer to our KIli CLI documentation.

Learn more

For examples of how to access Kili programmatically, refer to our tutorials.