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Adding instructions

To add instructions:

  1. From the project "Settings" page, click on Instructions.
  2. Paste an http link to the document containing the instructions.


  • You can write instructions in a public web document (for example, a Google Doc, a Notion page, an Office 365 document, a web page, etc.) and add the link here.
  • We do not yet offer hosting for this content.

To provide additional instructions, you can add metadata to your label categories. Every annotator will be able to see metadata directly in the job interface, when they hover over the information icon to the right of the category.


Adding metadata for transcription jobs is not supported.

Metadata example: text


Metadata example: image and URL



If you’re using a cloud service to host the images used for project metadata, check if your cloud CORS settings are configured properly. If the CORS settings are misconfigured, the images will not show on screen.