Kili Technology is designed by data scientists for data scientists. The entire application can be used programmatically via the API.
Table of Contents
- Query
- Mutation
- Objects
- ActionLabelerMetric
- AnnotationsLabelerMetric
- ApiKey
- AppendManyToDatasetWarnings
- Asset
- AssetDeletedOutput
- AuthPayload
- AverageQualityMetric
- CheckDataIntegrationResult
- CheckedTag
- ClassificationAnnotationValue
- Comment
- DataConnection
- DataDifference
- DataDifferencesSummary
- DataIntegration
- DataIntegrationUpdatedSubscriptionData
- FrameInterval
- Issue
- Label
- License
- Lock
- MembersAddedAt
- MembersAddedOnPeriod
- MembersAddedOverTime
- Notification
- NumberOfAnnotationsMetric
- ObjectDetectionAnnotationValue
- OpenQuestionsMetric
- Organization
- OrganizationAnnotationsMetric
- OrganizationLabeledAssetsMetric
- OrganizationMatchingDomain
- OrganizationMembersMetric
- OrganizationMetrics
- OrganizationMonthlyUsage
- OrganizationPredictionAndInferenceLabelsMetric
- OrganizationUsageMetrics
- OrganizationUsageOnLicensePeriod
- OrganizationUsageOverTime
- PageResolution
- Period
- Plugin
- PluginBuildError
- PluginLog
- PluginLogMetadata
- Project
- ProjectMutex
- ProjectUser
- ProjectVersion
- QualityLabelerMetric
- QualityMetric
- Resolution
- ReviewMetric
- SkippedMetric
- StatusMetric
- Subscription
- Tag
- TimeLabelerMetric
- TranscriptionAnnotationValue
- UpdateAssetResolutionOutput
- UpdateTagReturn
- UploadAssetsWarnings
- UsageMetrics
- UsageMetricsAt
- UsageMetricsOnPeriod
- UsageMetricsOverTime
- User
- Vertice
- VideoClassificationAnnotation
- VideoClassificationKeyAnnotation
- VideoObjectDetectionAnnotation
- VideoObjectDetectionKeyAnnotation
- VideoTranscriptionAnnotation
- VideoTranscriptionKeyAnnotation
- Warning
- Inputs
- AcceptAdmissionRequest
- AcceptOrDeclineInvitationData
- ActivateOrDeactivatePluginWhere
- AnnotateWithCopilotData
- AnnotationChangesInput
- AnnotationCreateInput
- AnnotationDeleteInput
- AnnotationLocalChanges
- AnnotationUpdateInput
- AnnotationValueCreateInput
- AnnotationValueDeleteInput
- AnnotationValueLocalChanges
- AnnotationWhere
- ApiKeyWhere
- AppendLabelData
- AppendManyAssetsData
- AppendManyFramesToDatasetAsynchronouslyData
- AppendManyLabelsData
- AppendManyToDatasetData
- AppendToApiKeysData
- AppendToCommentsData
- AppendToIssuesData
- AppendToLabelsData
- AppendToRolesData
- AssetData
- AssetWhere
- AvailablePathWhere
- CheckedTagData
- CheckedTagWhere
- CommentData
- CommentWhere
- CreateHoneypotData
- CreateOrganizationData
- CreatePluginData
- CreatePluginRunnerData
- CreatePredictionsData
- CreateProjectData
- CreateUserData
- CreateWebhookData
- DataConnectionComputeDifferencesPayload
- DataConnectionIdWhere
- DataConnectionInput
- DataConnectionsWhere
- DataDifferenceData
- DataDifferenceWhere
- DataIntegrationData
- DataIntegrationWhere
- DeclineAdmissionRequest
- DeleteLocksInput
- DeletePluginWhere
- FetchAndUpdateOCRJsonMetadataData
- FrameIntervalInput
- GenerateUpdateUrlData
- GetPluginBuildErrorsData
- GetPluginLogsData
- GetUsageOverTimeInput
- IssueData
- IssueToCreate
- IssueWhere
- LabelData
- LabelWhere
- LockWhere
- NotificationData
- NotificationWhere
- OrganizationData
- OrganizationMetricsWhere
- OrganizationProperties
- OrganizationWhere
- PageResolutionInput
- PendingRequestCreatedOrUpdatedInput
- ProjectData
- ProjectUserData
- ProjectUserWhere
- ProjectVersionData
- ProjectVersionWhere
- ProjectWhere
- RenewLockData
- ResolutionInput
- ReviewedLabel
- RoleData
- RunPluginData
- RunPluginLabelData
- SendEmailToSupportData
- SetHoneypotData
- SignUpData
- TagData
- TagWhere
- TestDataIntegrationData
- UpdateApiKeyPropertiesData
- UpdateAssetResolutionInput
- UpdateDataConnectionInput
- UpdatePasswordData
- UpdatePluginRunnerData
- UpdateProjectAnonymizationInput
- UpdateTagData
- UpdateWebhookData
- UserData
- UserWhere
- ValidateDataDifferencesWhere
- VerticeInput
- Enums
- AssetMetricInput
- CategoryMetricInput
- ComplianceTag
- DataDifferenceType
- DataIntegrationPlatform
- DataIntegrationStatus
- ExportType
- Granularity
- HighestRoleInProject
- HubspotSubscriptionStatus
- InputType
- IssueStatus
- IssueType
- LabelFormat
- LabelType
- LabelerAction
- LabelerMetricInput
- LicenseType
- LockType
- LogType
- NotificationStatus
- OrganizationMetricInput
- OrganizationRole
- OrganizationUsageMetricsGranularity
- PluginHandlerType
- ProjectQueueStatus
- ProjectRole
- ProjectType
- ProjectUserStatus
- Quality
- ReviewScore
- Right
- SplitOption
- Status
- UploadType
- UserStatus
- WarningTypes
- Scalars
- Interfaces
- Unions
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
_ | Boolean | ||
annotations | [Annotation!] | Retrieves page by page all annotations who verify where input parameters. | |
where | AnnotationWhere! | ||
splitResponse | ID | Force splitting a video label response into multiple annotations | |
where | AnnotationWhere! | ||
first | PageSize! | ||
skip | Int! | ||
apiKeys | [ApiKey!] | Retrieves page by page all api keys who verify where input parameters. | |
where | ApiKeyWhere! | ||
first | PageSize! | ||
skip | Int! | ||
countApiKeys | Int! | Count all api keys who verify where input parameters. | |
where | ApiKeyWhere! | ||
asset | Asset! | Retrieves one asset by its ID. | |
id | ID! | ||
assets | [Asset!] | Retrieves page by page all assets who verify where input parameters. | |
where | AssetWhere! | ||
first | PageSize! | ||
skip | Int! | ||
countAssets | Int! | Count all assets who verify where input parameters. | |
where | AssetWhere! | ||
createUploadBucketSignedUrls | [String!] | Create an upload url | |
filePaths | [String!] | ||
getAssetsMetadataValues | [String!] | Get all values associated to a given metadata key | |
projectID | ID! | ||
metadataKey | String! | ||
getNextAssetFromLabel | Asset | Return the next asset | |
labelAssetIDs | [ID!] | ||
nonSubmittedViewedAssetIds | [ID!]! | ||
projectId | ID! | ||
getNextAssetForReviewFromLabel | Asset | Return the next asset | |
labelAssetIDs | [ID!] | ||
projectId | ID! | ||
getNextAssetFromProject | Asset | Return the next asset available to label. | |
projectID | ID! | ||
getNextAssetForReviewFromProject | Asset | Return the next asset available to label. | |
projectID | ID! | ||
getUploadAssetsToken ⚠️ | String! | Get the encrypted token needed to upload data to the router ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
projectID | ID! | ||
comments | [Comment!] | Retrieves page by page all comments who verify where input parameters. | |
where | CommentWhere! | ||
first | PageSize! | ||
skip | Int! | ||
countComments | Int! | Count all comments who verify where input parameters. | |
where | CommentWhere! | ||
dataConnections | [DataConnection!] | Get data connections related with specific project | |
where | DataConnectionsWhere! | ||
first | PageSize! | ||
skip | Int! | ||
dataConnection | DataConnection! | Get information of a specific data connection | |
where | DataConnectionIdWhere! | ||
dataDifferences ⚠️ | [DataDifference!] | Retrieves page by page all dataDifferences who verify where input parameters. ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
where | DataDifferenceWhere! | ||
first | PageSize! | ||
skip | Int! | ||
dataIntegrations | [DataIntegration!] | Retrieves page by page all dataIntegrations who verify where input parameters. | |
where | DataIntegrationWhere! | ||
first | PageSize! | ||
skip | Int! | ||
countDataIntegrations | Int! | Count all dataIntegrations who verify where input parameters. | |
where | DataIntegrationWhere! | ||
getAvailablePathDataIntegration | [JSON]! | Get available paths of the current data Integration | |
where | AvailablePathWhere! | ||
getFoldersAndSubfolders | [JSON]! | Get folders and subfolders given an integration and root folder | |
dataIntegrationId | ID! | ||
rootFolder | String | ||
dataIntegration | DataIntegration | Get the dataIntegration's data | |
where | DataIntegrationWhere! | ||
checkDataIntegrationConnection | CheckDataIntegrationResult | Tests a data integration to check whether Kili can communicate with the cloud provider which has been set up. | |
dataIntegrationId | ID! | ||
issues | [Issue!] | Retrieves page by page all issues who verify where input parameters. | |
where | IssueWhere! | ||
first | PageSize! | ||
skip | Int! | ||
countIssues | Int! | Count all issues who verify where input parameters. | |
where | IssueWhere! | ||
labels | [Label!] | Retrieves page by page all labels who verify where input parameters. | |
where | LabelWhere! | ||
first | PageSize! | ||
skip | Int! | ||
countLabels | Int! | Count all labels who verify where input parameters. | |
where | LabelWhere! | ||
getLabelsOrPredictionsForUser | [Label!] | ||
assetID | ID! | ||
userID | ID! | ||
labelID | ID | ||
getLabelsToBeReviewed | [Label!] | ||
assetID | ID! | ||
labelID | ID | ||
locks | [Lock!] | Retrieves page by page all locks who verify where input parameters. | |
where | LockWhere! | ||
first | PageSize! | ||
skip | Int! | ||
countLocks | Int! | Count all labels who verify where input parameters. | |
where | LockWhere! | ||
notifications | [Notification!] | Retrieves page by page all notifications that verify input parameters. | |
where | NotificationWhere! | ||
first | PageSize! | ||
skip | Int! | ||
countNotifications | Int! | Count notifications that verify input parameters. | |
where | NotificationWhere! | ||
organizations | [Organization!] | Retrieves page by page all organizations who verify where input parameters. | |
where | OrganizationWhere! | ||
first | PageSize! | ||
skip | Int! | ||
countOrganizations | Int! | Count all organizations who verify where input parameters. | |
where | OrganizationWhere! | ||
organizationMetrics | OrganizationMetrics! | Count number of labeled assets, annotations and hours on a specific period of time | |
where | OrganizationMetricsWhere! | ||
listEmailsInOrganization | [String!] | List emails of users in an organization in alphabetical order. | |
where | OrganizationWhere! | ||
getPluginBuildErrors | [PluginBuildError!]! | Get plugin build errors | |
data | GetPluginBuildErrorsData! | ||
getPluginLogs | [PluginLog] | Get plugin logs | |
data | GetPluginLogsData! | ||
getPluginRunnerStatus | String! | Get the status of the plugin | |
name | String! | ||
listPlugins | [Plugin] | List plugins | |
exportData | String! | Export data from project. | |
where | ProjectWhere! | ||
exportType | ExportType | ||
labelFormat | LabelFormat | ||
splitOption | SplitOption | ||
versionName | String | ||
projects | [Project!] | Retrieves page by page all projects ordered by createdAt for the current user (starred projects come first then unstarred projects) | |
where | ProjectWhere! | ||
first | PageSize! | ||
skip | Int! | ||
latestUpdatedProjects | [Project!] | Retrieves page by page all projects ordered by updatedAt for the current user | |
where | ProjectWhere! | ||
first | PageSize! | ||
skip | Int! | ||
countProjects | Int! | Count all projects for a specific userID, | |
where | ProjectWhere! | ||
listProjectInputTypes | [InputType!]! | List all the different input types for the projects the connected user has access to | |
projectUsers | [ProjectUser!] | Retrieves page by page all projectUsers who verify where input parameters. | |
where | ProjectUserWhere! | ||
first | PageSize! | ||
skip | Int! | ||
countProjectUsers | Int! | Count all project users who verify where input parameters. | |
where | ProjectUserWhere! | ||
projectVersions | [ProjectVersion!] | Retrieves project versions depending on the where object | |
where | ProjectVersionWhere! | ||
first | PageSize! | ||
skip | Int! | ||
countProjectVersions | Int! | Count all projects versions depending on the where object | |
where | ProjectVersionWhere! | ||
listTagsByOrg | [Tag] | Returns the list of tags for the given organization. | |
listTagsByProject | [Tag] | Returns the list of tags for the given project. | |
projectId | ID! | ||
user | User | ||
id | ID! | ||
me ⚠️ | User | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
viewer | User | ||
users | [User!] | Retrieves page by page all users who verify where input parameters. | |
where | UserWhere! | ||
first | PageSize! | ||
skip | Int! | ||
usersOfMyOrganization ⚠️ | [User!] | Retrieves users of my organization ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
countUsers | Int! | Count all users who verify where input parameters. | |
where | UserWhere! | ||
adminOfUser | String! | Technical query, used to request the email of an admin of a user |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
_ | Boolean | ||
applyChangesToAnnotations | ID! | Apply a list of modification to multiple annotations. | |
data | AnnotationChangesInput! | ||
appendToApiKeys | ApiKey | Add an api key to a user | |
data | AppendToApiKeysData! | ||
where | UserWhere! | ||
updatePropertiesInApiKey | ApiKey | ||
data | UpdateApiKeyPropertiesData! | ||
where | ApiKeyWhere! | ||
addAllLabeledAssetsToReview | Project | Add all labeled assets specified, or if None, all in the project to the review queue | |
where | AssetWhere! | ||
annotateWithCopilot | String | [Beta] Pre-Annotate assets with Kili Copilot | |
where | AssetWhere! | ||
data | AnnotateWithCopilotData! | ||
assignAssetsToLabelers | Project | Assign assets to be labeled by given users | |
userIds | [String!]! | ||
where | AssetWhere! | ||
appendManyToDataset ⚠️ | Project | Add one or more assets to the project specified. You may specify for each asset its externalID, if it should be considered as honeypot, its status and some metadata. ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
data | AppendManyToDatasetData! | ||
where | ProjectWhere! | ||
appendManyAssets | [Asset!] | Add one or more assets to the project specified. You may specify for each asset its externalID, if it should be considered as honeypot, and some metadata. | |
data | AppendManyAssetsData! | ||
where | ProjectWhere! | ||
appendManyToDatasetFrontend | UploadAssetsWarnings | Add one or more assets to the project specified. You may specify for each asset its externalID, if it should be considered as honeypot, its status and some metadata. | |
data | AppendManyToDatasetData! | ||
where | ProjectWhere! | ||
appendManyFramesToDatasetAsynchronously | Project | Add one or more assets asynchronously to the project specified. You may specify for each asset its externalID, if it should be considered as honeypot, its status and some metadata. | |
data | AppendManyFramesToDatasetAsynchronouslyData! | ||
where | ProjectWhere! | ||
deleteManyFromDataset | Project | Delete one or more assets to the project specified, provided their IDs or the project ID | |
where | AssetWhere! | ||
updatePropertiesInAsset ⚠️ | Asset | Update the properties of one asset. You may specify its externalID, its content (link to the asset), if it should be considered as a honeypot, its status and some metadata, among other things. ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
where | AssetWhere! | ||
data | AssetData! | ||
updatePropertiesInAssets | [Asset] | Update the properties of one or more assets. | |
where | [AssetWhere!]! | ||
data | [AssetData!]! | ||
fetchAndUpdateOCRJsonMetadata | Asset | Fetch OCR metadata using Vision API and put it in the asset metadata. | |
data | FetchAndUpdateOCRJsonMetadataData! | ||
where | AssetWhere! | ||
fetchAndUpdateOCRJsonMetadataForAssetsInProject | [Asset] | Fetch OCR metadata using Vision API and put it in the asset metadata for all assets in a project. | |
data | FetchAndUpdateOCRJsonMetadataData! | ||
where | AssetWhere! | ||
sendBackAssetsToQueue | Project | Add all reviewed assets specified, or if None, all in the project to the to do queue | |
where | AssetWhere! | ||
setHoneypot | [String!] | Honeypot is a quality parameter to measure the agreement between asset pre-annotated (a golden standard) and the annotation made by an annotator. Quality is measured against a predefined truth. Set several assets as Honeypot | |
data | SetHoneypotData! | ||
where | AssetWhere! | ||
skipAsset | Asset | Skip the asset if one asset is found | |
where | AssetWhere! | ||
prioritizeAssets | Project | Prioritize assets to specified priority | |
where | AssetWhere! | ||
priority | Int! | ||
updateAssetResolution | UpdateAssetResolutionOutput | update the resolution (for IMAGE and VIDEO) or page resolutions (for PDF) of the asset | |
input | UpdateAssetResolutionInput! | ||
signUp ⚠️ | User | The request to sign up a new email to the Kili app. If authorized, the email will receive informations to sign in. ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
data | SignUpData! | ||
registerUser | User | ||
data | SignUpData! | ||
resetPassword | User | The request to reset a forgotten password | |
where | UserWhere! | ||
appendToComments | Comment | Add a new comment | |
data | AppendToCommentsData! | ||
where | IssueWhere! | ||
updatePropertiesInComment | Comment | Update an existing comment | |
data | CommentData! | ||
where | CommentWhere! | ||
addDataConnection | DataConnection! | Add project data connection | |
data | DataConnectionInput! | ||
updateDataConnection | DataConnection! | Update project data connection | |
data | UpdateDataConnectionInput! | ||
id | ID! | ||
removeDataConnection | ID | ||
where | DataConnectionIdWhere! | ||
computeDifferences | DataConnection! | ||
where | DataConnectionIdWhere! | ||
data | DataConnectionComputeDifferencesPayload | ||
validateDataDifferences | DataConnection | Validate dataDifferences who verify where input parameters | |
where | ValidateDataDifferencesWhere! | ||
processingParameters | String | ||
rejectDataDifferences | Boolean | Reject dataDifferences who verify where input parameters | |
where | ValidateDataDifferencesWhere! | ||
dataIntegrationTest | DataIntegration | Tests a DataIntegration and updates the data integration with its new status. | |
dataIntegrationId | ID! | ||
updatePropertiesInDataIntegration | DataIntegration | Update the dataIntegration's data | |
data | DataIntegrationData! | ||
where | DataIntegrationWhere! | ||
createDataIntegration | DataIntegration | Create a DataIntegration and return the dataIntegration | |
data | DataIntegrationData! | ||
deleteDataIntegration | String | Permanently delete a DataIntegration | |
where | DataIntegrationWhere! | ||
appendToIssues | Issue | Add a new issue | |
data | AppendToIssuesData! | ||
where | AssetWhere! | ||
createIssues | [Issue!] | Add several new issues | |
issues | [IssueToCreate!]! | ||
where | AssetWhere! | ||
updatePropertiesInIssue | Issue | Update an existing issue | |
data | IssueData! | ||
where | IssueWhere! | ||
appendToLabels | Label | Add a new annotation | |
data | AppendToLabelsData! | ||
where | AssetWhere! | ||
appendManyLabels | [Label!] | Add several new annotations | |
data | AppendManyLabelsData! | ||
where | AssetWhere! | ||
frontendAppendToLabels | Label | Add a new annotation from the app | |
data | AppendToLabelsData! | ||
where | AssetWhere! | ||
updatePropertiesInLabel | Label | Change the annotations in a label. | |
data | LabelData! | ||
where | LabelWhere! | ||
createHoneypot | Label | Honeypot is a quality parameter to measure the agreement between aasset pre-annotated (a golden standard) and the annotation made by an annotator. Quality is measured against a predefined truth. Create a honeypot for an asset, specifying all anotations for this asset. | |
data | CreateHoneypotData! | ||
where | AssetWhere! | ||
createPredictions | Project | Upload labels, considered as predictions by a model, aiming at speeding annotation by helping the labeler. | |
data | CreatePredictionsData! | ||
where | AssetWhere! | ||
deleteLabels | [ID!]! | Delete INFERENCE and PREDICTION labels. Other label types cannot be deleted. | |
ids | [ID!]! | ||
deleteLocks | String! | Delete all locks of the user on a certain asset. | |
input | DeleteLocksInput! | ||
renewLock | Lock | Renew a lock on an asset that has enough labeler or reviewer working on it when the initial lock timed out and the asset remains unsubmitted. | |
data | RenewLockData! | ||
where | AssetWhere! | ||
createNotification | Notification | Create a new notification. | |
data | NotificationData! | ||
updatePropertiesInNotification | Notification | Update properties of the notification. | |
data | NotificationData! | ||
where | NotificationWhere! | ||
createOrganization | Organization | Create a new organization | |
data | CreateOrganizationData! | ||
updatePropertiesInOrganization | Organization | Update properties of the organization | |
data | OrganizationData! | ||
where | OrganizationWhere! | ||
updatePropertiesInOrganizationWithoutLicense | Organization | Update properties of the organization without license field | |
data | OrganizationProperties! | ||
where | OrganizationWhere! | ||
anonymizeOrganization | Organization | Permanently delete an organization and all its relative data | |
where | OrganizationWhere! | ||
activatePluginOnProject | String! | Activate a plugin on a project | |
where | ActivateOrDeactivatePluginWhere! | ||
createPlugin | String! | Create a plugin in DB and return an upload url | |
data | CreatePluginData! | ||
createWebhook | String! | Create a webhook in DB | |
data | CreateWebhookData! | ||
createPluginRunner | String! | Create the plugin's runner | |
data | CreatePluginRunnerData! | ||
deactivatePluginOnProject | String! | Deactivates a plugin on a project | |
where | ActivateOrDeactivatePluginWhere! | ||
deletePlugin | String! | Delete a plugin and deactivate it on all associated projects | |
where | DeletePluginWhere! | ||
generateUpdateUrl | String! | Generate a new url to upload src | |
data | GenerateUpdateUrlData! | ||
runPlugin | Boolean! | Run the associated plugins to a project on demand | |
data | RunPluginData! | ||
updatePluginRunner | String! | Update the plugin's runner | |
data | UpdatePluginRunnerData! | ||
updateWebhook | String! | Update the webhook | |
data | UpdateWebhookData! | ||
changeProjectAuthor | Project | Change the author of a project | |
where | ProjectWhere! | ||
createProject | Project | Create a new project | |
data | CreateProjectData! | ||
deleteProject | Project | Permanently delete a project | |
where | ProjectWhere! | ||
deleteProjectAsynchronously | String! | Permanently delete a project's assets using Airflow | |
where | ProjectWhere! | ||
exportPerformanceData | String! | Export performance data from project. | |
projectId | ID! | ||
hardDeleteProject | Project | Permanently hard delete a project | |
where | ProjectWhere! | ||
updateProjectAnonymization | Project | Anonymize the project for the labelers and reviewers | |
input | UpdateProjectAnonymizationInput! | ||
updatePropertiesInProject | Project | Update the project's name and tasks. | |
data | ProjectData! | ||
where | ProjectWhere! | ||
appendToRoles | Project | Add a new user in the specified project. | |
data | AppendToRolesData! | ||
where | ProjectWhere! | ||
frontendAppendToRoles | Project | Add a new projectUser in the specified project and send an invite. | |
data | AppendToRolesData! | ||
where | ProjectWhere! | ||
updatePropertiesInRole | ProjectUser | Change the role of a projectUser | |
data | RoleData! | ||
where | ProjectUserWhere! | ||
updatePropertiesInProjectUser | ProjectUser | Change properties of a projectUser | |
data | ProjectUserData! | ||
where | ProjectUserWhere! | ||
deleteFromRoles | Project | Delete a projectUser from the project. | |
where | ProjectUserWhere! | ||
acceptOrDeclineInvitation | ProjectUser | Accept/decline an invitation to joining a new project. | |
data | AcceptOrDeclineInvitationData! | ||
where | ProjectWhere! | ||
updatePropertiesInProjectVersion | ProjectVersion | ||
data | ProjectVersionData! | ||
where | ProjectVersionWhere! | ||
uncheckTag | Tag | Unchecks the given tag for the given project. Expects the tag to be checked for the project in the first place, | |
projectId | ID! | ||
tagId | ID! | ||
createTag | Tag | Add a new tag | |
data | TagData! | ||
checkTag | Tag | Add a checked tag | |
data | CheckedTagData! | ||
deleteTag | Boolean | Deletes the given tag. This operation is organization-wide. The tag will no longer be proposed for projects of the organization. | |
tagId | ID! | ||
updateTag | UpdateTagReturn! | Updates the given tag. This operation is organization-wide. The tag will be updated for all projects of the organization. | |
tagId | ID! | ||
data | UpdateTagData! | ||
createUser | User | Create a user if he does not exist or add him back to the organization if he already existed | |
data | CreateUserData! | ||
updatePropertiesInUser | User | An admin of an organization can modify every user's information. | |
data | UserData! | ||
where | UserWhere! | ||
updatePassword | User | Update password of a user. | |
data | UpdatePasswordData! | ||
where | UserWhere! | ||
resetAndReturnPassword | String | Reset password of a user. | |
where | UserWhere! | ||
sendEmailToSupport | Boolean | Send Email to support as free user | |
data | SendEmailToSupportData! | ||
declineAdmissionRequest | Boolean | An admin of the organization can decline the user's admission request | |
where | DeclineAdmissionRequest! | ||
acceptAdmissionRequest | Boolean | An admin of the organization can accept the user's admission request | |
where | AcceptAdmissionRequest! |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
date | DateTime! | ||
userId | ID! | ||
value | Int | Total number of action for user on given granularity | |
action | LabelerAction! |
Api keys are used to connect to the API (Kili's Python SDK).
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
_ | Boolean | ||
id | ID! | ID of the api key. | |
name | String! | Name of the api key. | |
key | String! | Api key | |
createdAt | DateTime! | Date at which the api key was created | |
expiryDate | DateTime! | Date at which the api key will expire | |
revoked | Boolean! | If true, the api key cannot be used | |
user | User | User who owns the api key | |
userId | ID! | ID of the user who owns the api key |
Asset are the data lines. They can either be images, text, videos, or pdf.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
_ | Boolean | ||
id | ID! | ||
consensusMark | Float | Consensus is a quality parameter to measure the agreement between several annotations of the same asset. In the case of Asset used for consensus, it is the agreement score between the annotators. The global mark depends on the asset type, it can either be a mean estimator or the average of the Fleiss Kappas. | |
consensusMarkCompute | JSON | Technical field. | |
consensusMarkPerCategory | JSON | Consensus is a quality parameter to measure the agreement between several annotations of the same asset. In the case of Asset used for consensus, it is the agreement score between the annotators. The global mark depends on the asset type, it can either be a mean estimator or the average of the Fleiss Kappas. | |
content | String! | Content of the Asset or URL to the Asset. | |
contentJson | JSON | Used the same way as content, for upcoming video classification. Duplicate of jsonContent formatted as as JSON instead of a string. | |
contentJsonCompute | JSON | Technical field. | |
createdAt | DateTime! | ||
duration | Int | Sum of durations along all labels of the asset (in seconds) | |
durationCompute | Int | Technical field. | |
externalId | String | Name of the Asset, visible on the top of the screen on the labelling page, and defined when uploading the image. | |
honeypotMark | Float | Honeypot is a quality parameter to measure the agreement between a pre-annotated asset(a golden standard) and the annotation made by an annotator. Quality is measured against a predefined truth. If this Asset is a Honeypot, average of the honeypots obtained by the annotators on this Asset. | |
honeypotMarkCompute | Float | Technical field. | |
inferenceMark | Float | Inference mark at asset level is the inference mark on the very last label by creation date. | |
inferenceMarkCompute | Float | Technical field. | |
isHoneypot | Boolean | Honeypot is a quality parameter to measure the agreement between a pre-annotated asset (a golden standard) and the annotation made by an annotator. Quality is measured against a predefined truth. Indicates whether this asset is a Honeypot. | |
isProcessingAuthorized | Boolean | Technical field, used in case the asset is created by remote storage to determine wether the data | |
isToBeLabeledBy | Boolean | Indicates whether one or more user were attributed the asset to label | |
isUsedForConsensus | Boolean | Consensus is a quality parameter to measure the agreement between several annotations of the same asset. In the case of Asset used for consensus, it is the agreement score between the annotators. In the case of the use of consensus as a quality indicator for the project, this field indicates that the asset is retained to be annotated by different annotators. | |
isToReview | Boolean | Review is a quality assessment procedure in which the reviewer validate or not the label created on asset. He can create issues on the labels or on several annotations, or send back to annotation. This field indicates if the asset will be part of this validation procedure. The percentage of asset up for review is set at the project level (see reviewCoverage). | |
jsonContent | String | Used the same way as content, for upcoming video classification | |
jsonMetadata | String | Asset metadata, i.e. additionnal information shown during the labeling process | |
issues | [Issue!]! | The issues created for this asset. | |
latestLabel | Label | Latest label I can trust for my model. | |
latestLabelCompute | Label | Technical field | |
locks | [Lock!] | Locks ensure that the asset is associated to only one user, when there is no consensus activated, or exactly the number of labeler/reviewer chosen | |
metadata | JSON | Asset metadata, i.e. additionnal information shown during the labeling process. Duplicate of jsonMetadata formatted as as JSON instead of a string. | |
metadataCompute | JSON | Technical field. | |
numberOfValidLocks | Int! | Number of currently valid locks on this asset. | |
numberOfValidLocksForReview | Int! | Number of currently valid review locks on this asset. | |
numberOfValidLocksCompute | Int | Technical field. | |
ocrMetadata | String | Ocr metadata, i.e. hidden layer of text informations used for OCR tasks | |
pageResolutions | [PageResolution!] | Only applicable for PDF assets. A list of page resolutions | |
priority | Int! | Assets can be ordered in the labeling process, the minimum value being 0 | |
project | Project | Assets are always related to one project. | |
projectId | String! | ||
projectIdCompute | String | Technical field. | |
labelVersion | Int! | Lastest version of the label. | |
resolution | Resolution | Only applicable for Image and Video assets: the asset resolution (width, height) | |
sentBackTo ⚠️ | [ProjectUser!] | Technical field ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
skipped | Boolean! | A boolean indicating whether the asset was skipped or not | |
skippedCompute ⚠️ | Boolean | Technical field. ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
status | Status! | Current annotation status of the asset. Can take the values: TODO, ONGOING, LABELED, REVIEWED, TO_REVIEW, AUTOSAVE. | |
statusCompute | Status | Technical field. | |
thumbnail | String | Thumbnail of the asset to display in the frontend NB : only available for on-premise and SaaS users | |
thumbnailCompute | String | Technical field | |
toBeLabeledBy | [ProjectUser!] | One or more user that were attributed the asset to label | |
updatedAt | DateTime! | ||
labels | [Label!]! | The labels created for this asset. |
The authentification object to create a token for a user.
CheckedTag are used to link a tag to a project.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
categories | [String!]! |
Comment contains comments associated to an issue.
DataConnection is related with specific project.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
_ | Boolean | ||
dataDifferencesSummary | DataDifferencesSummary | Data differences for specific data connection | |
id | ID! | Unique id | |
isChecking | Boolean! | Checking status, i.e. is computing differences between the project assets and the bucket objects. | |
isApplyingDataDifferences | Boolean! | Applying data differences to the project | |
lastChecked | DateTime! | Last time the project data connection was checked | |
numberOfAssets | Int! | Number of assets in connection | |
project | Project | Project identifier of the data connection | |
projectId | ID! | Project identifier of the data connection | |
selectedFolders | [String!] | List of selected folders in scope of connection | |
dataIntegration | DataIntegration! | Integration to use to connect to the bucket | |
dataIntegrationId | ID! | Integration id to use to connect to the bucket |
DataDifference belong to a DataConnection. They are used to sync the diff
DataIntegration belong to an organization. They link the project data and an external bucket
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
_ | Boolean | ||
id | ID! | ||
allowedPaths | [String!] | The list of allowed paths for the dataIntegration null if all paths are allowed | |
author | User | The user who created the integration | |
awsAccessPointARN | String | Access Point for AWS ARS (Amazon Resource Name) | |
awsRoleARN | String | Roles for Amazon Resource Name | |
awsRoleExternalId | String | External Id used for restricting role access | |
azureConnectionURL | String | Url of the azure connection bucket | |
azureIsUsingServiceCredentials | Boolean | If using an azure integration, defines the type of connection | |
azureSASToken | String | If connecting via a token to an azure bucket, its service SAS token | |
azureTenantId | String | Id for the Azure bucket integration | |
createdAt | DateTime! | ||
gcpBucketName | String | Name of the GCP bucket | |
includeRootFiles | Boolean | The integration include the root files of the bucket | |
internalProcessingAuthorized | Boolean | Kili is allowed to process internally the assets of the integration | |
lastCheck | DateTime! | Last time the integration's data was checked | |
name | String! | The name of the integration | |
organizationId | ID | Id of the organization where the integration belong to | |
platform | DataIntegrationPlatform! | Third party plateform used by the integration to share data | |
projects | [Project!] | Projects where the integration is used via a data connection | |
status | DataIntegrationStatus! | Status of the integration. | |
updatedAt | DateTime! |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
error | String | ||
dataIntegration | DataIntegration |
Issue contains issues associated to a User and an Asset.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | ||
asset | Asset | ID of the asset related to the issue. | |
assetId | ID! | ||
assignee | ProjectUser | ID of the projectUser assigned to the issue. | |
assigneeId | ID | ||
author | ProjectUser | ID of the projectUser author of the issue. | |
authorId | ID! | ||
comments | [Comment!] | All the comments related to this issue | |
createdAt | DateTime! | ||
hasBeenSeen ⚠️ | Boolean! | Whether the last activity on the issue has been seen by the author of the issue. ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
issueNumber ⚠️ | Int! | Numeric ID of the issue ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
objectMid | String | Object MID of the issue | |
project | Project | ID of the project of the issue. | |
projectId | ID! | ||
status | IssueStatus! | Current annotation status of the issue. Can take the values: OPENED, SOLVED. | |
type | IssueType! | ||
updatedAt | DateTime! |
A label include all information resulting of the action of annotation by a specific user.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
_ | Boolean | ||
id | ID! | ||
assetId | String! | ||
author | User! | User that created this label. | |
authorId | String! | ||
authorIdCompute ⚠️ | String | Technical field. ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
createdAt | DateTime! | ||
honeypotMark | Float | Honeypot is a quality parameter to measure the agreement between a pre-annotated asset (a golden standard) and the annotation made by an annotator. Quality is measured against a predefined truth. In the case of Honeypot Asset, chord note expressed in percentage between the label and the target. In the case of an Asset that is not of Honeypot type, the field is null. | |
honeypotMarkCompute | Float | Technical field. | |
clientVersion | Int! | Version of the label given by the client. It differs from the version field because for each new save, either the client gives the version number or it is at 0 by default. This is used to check order of autosave. | |
inferenceMark | Float | Inference mark is a quality parameter to measure the agreement between an inference run (from a model) and the annotation made by an annotator. | |
inferenceMarkCompute | Float | Technical field. | |
isHoneypot | Boolean! | Boolean flagging whether the label is used as the base for computing the honeypot mark of the other labels | |
isLatestLabelForUser | Boolean! | Boolean flagging whether the label is the latest submitted label for this asset for the user | |
isLatestLabelForUserCompute | Boolean | Technical field. | |
isLatestDefaultLabelForUser | Boolean! | Boolean flagging whether the label is the latest submitted DEFAULT label for this asset for the user. | |
isLatestDefaultLabelForUserCompute | Boolean | Technical field. | |
isLatestReviewLabelForUser | Boolean! | Boolean flagging whether the label is the latest submitted REVIEW label for this asset for the user. | |
isLatestReviewLabelForUserCompute | Boolean | Technical field. | |
isSentBackToQueue | Boolean | Technical field. | |
jsonResponse | String! | The list of all annotations of this label, for each task of this project, in a JSON character string. Kili annotations closely follow the Google format. | |
labelOf | Asset | Asset related to this label. | |
labelType | LabelType! | Type of label used to identify if the label is a prediction (made by a model), an ordinary label (made by an annotator) or a journal (carried out by a reviewer). Can take the following values: | |
modelName | String | In case the label was uploaded (and is of type PREDICTION), name (chosen during the upload) of the model used to create the label. | |
numberOfAnnotations | Int | Total number of annotation elements on the asset. | |
numberOfAnnotationsCompute | Int | Technical field. | |
projectId | String! | ||
projectIdCompute | String | Technical field. | |
response | JSON! | The list of all annotations of this label, for each task of this project, in a JSON field. Kili annotations closely follow the Google format. | |
responseCompute | JSON | Technical field. | |
reviewScore | Float | Quality parameter to measure agreement score between labelers and reviewers computed on reviewed assets. | |
secondsToLabel | Float | Amount of time (in seconds) spent by the labeller on the interface before submitting the label. | |
search | JSON! | Technical field. | |
searchCompute | JSON | Technical field. | |
totalSecondsToLabel | Int | Total cumulated amount of time (in seconds) spent by the user on all other labels of the same asset on the interface. | |
totalSecondsToLabelCompute | Int | Technical field. | |
version | Int! | Version of the label. |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
_ | Boolean | ||
api | Boolean | ||
apiPriority | Boolean | ||
canUsePlugins | Boolean | ||
contractedLabelingHours | Int | ||
enableSmartTools | Boolean | ||
expiryDate | String | ||
planType | String | ||
inputType | [String!] | ||
maxNumberOfAnnotations | Int | ||
maxNumberOfAnnotationsPerMonth | Int | ||
maxNumberOfLabeledAssets | Int | ||
maxNumberOfLabeledAssetsPerMonth ⚠️ | Int | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
maxNumberOfPredictionsPerMonth | Int | ||
organizationId | String | ||
seats | Int | ||
startDate | String | ||
type | LicenseType | ||
uploadCloudData | Boolean | ||
uploadLocalData | Boolean |
Locks ensure that the asset is associated to only one user, when there is no consensus activated, or exactly the number of labeler/reviewer chosen
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
_ | Boolean | ||
id | ID! | ||
author | User! | The user that created this lock | |
authorId | String | ||
authorIdCompute | String | Technical field | |
createdAt | DateTime! | ||
lockOf | Asset! | The asset this lock is protecting. | |
lockOfId | String | ||
lockOfIdCompute | String | Technical field | |
lockType | LockType! | Type of lock (DEFAULT for default label, REVIEW for review asset) |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
details | [MembersAddedAt!]! | ||
total | MembersAddedOnPeriod! | ||
granularity | OrganizationUsageMetricsGranularity! |
Web notifications can be pushed to users to notify them from actions in Kili.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
vertices | [[[Vertice!]!]!]! |
Organization are the basic unit in for Kili, and can gather different users, that can create projects.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
_ | Boolean | ||
organizationMetrics ⚠️ | [OrganizationMetric] | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
metrics | [OrganizationMetricInput!] | ||
granularity | Granularity! | ||
startDate | DateTime! | ||
endDate | DateTime | ||
id | ID! | ||
activeUsersCount | Int! | Number of active users in the organization | |
address ⚠️ | String! | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
city ⚠️ | String! | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
country ⚠️ | String! | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
dataIntegrations | [DataIntegration] | ||
license | License | ||
name | String! | ||
matchingDomain | String | ||
createdAt | DateTime | ||
numberOfAnnotations | Int! | ||
numberOfLabeledAssets | Int! | ||
numberOfLLMCallsRemaining | Int! | ||
numberOfHours | Float! | ||
users | [User] | ||
zipCode ⚠️ | String! | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
monthlyUsage ⚠️ | OrganizationMonthlyUsage! | Monthly usage ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
usageMetrics | OrganizationUsageMetrics! | Usage metrics, containing current month usage and usage on license period | |
isAllowedToSubmitNewLabels | Boolean! | Boolean indicating whether a user can still make labels given the organization usage and license config | |
usageOverTime | OrganizationUsageOverTime | Usage metrics over time | |
input | GetUsageOverTimeInput |
Technical field
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
currentMonthUsage | OrganizationMonthlyUsage! | Monthly usage | |
usageOnLicensePeriod | OrganizationUsageOnLicensePeriod! | Usage metrics on license validity period | |
numberOfActiveMembers | Int! | Number of active members |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
numberOfAnnotations | Int! | Number of label annotations counted in the license validity period | |
numberOfLabeledAssets | Int! | Number of labeled assets counted in the license validity period | |
timeSpentOnLabeling | String! | Time spent on labeling during the license validity period hh hours(s) and mm minute(s) |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
usageMetrics | UsageMetricsOverTime! | ||
membersAdded | MembersAddedOverTime! |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
_ | Boolean | ||
id | ID | ||
createdAt | DateTime! | Technical field | |
handlerTypes | [PluginHandlerType!]! | Actions for which the plugin should be executed | |
name | String! | Plugin's name | |
organizationId | String! | Your organization's id | |
projectIds | [String!] | List of projectId where the plugin is activated | |
updatedAt | DateTime! | Technical field |
Plugin build error is a log of a build error on plugin
Plugin log is a log of a plugin that has been run
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
_ | Boolean | ||
id | ID | ||
content | String! | Information about the log | |
logType | LogType! | ||
createdAt | DateTime! | Technical field | |
metadata | PluginLogMetadata! | Additional information of the log | |
projectId | ID! | ||
pluginName | String! | The name of the plugin that produced the log | |
runId | String! | Id to be able to identify the logs of the same run |
It is the combination of an asset type, a dataset to be annotated, an interface adapted to the annotation task, of one or more participants, specific quality parameters, and potentially a specific machine learning model.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
_ | Boolean | ||
assetsMetrics | [AssetMetric!] | ||
metrics | [AssetMetricInput!] | ||
granularity | Granularity! | ||
startDate | DateTime! | ||
endDate | DateTime | ||
categoryMetrics | [CategoryMetric!] | ||
metrics | [CategoryMetricInput!] | ||
granularity | Granularity! | ||
startDate | DateTime! | ||
endDate | DateTime | ||
labelerMetrics | [LabelerMetric!] | ||
metrics | [LabelerMetricInput!] | ||
granularity | Granularity! | ||
startDate | DateTime! | ||
endDate | DateTime | ||
timeZone | String | ||
id | ID! | ||
assetMetadata | JSON! | Technical field AssetMetadata groups all different metadata keys present in the assets of the project | |
assetMetadataCompute | JSON | Technical field AssetMetadata groups all different metadata keys present in the assets of the project | |
author | User | ||
canNavigateBetweenAssets | Boolean | Allow user to use next and previous buttons in labeling interface | |
canSkipAsset | Boolean | Allow user to use skip button in labeling interface | |
canUseGeneratedShortcut | Boolean | Allow labelers and reviewers to use automatically generated shortcuts based on the category name to select an annotation task | |
complianceTags | [ComplianceTag] | Compliance tags are used to categorize projects based on the sensitivity of the data being handled and the legal constraints associated with it List of compliance tags | |
consensusMark | Float | Consensus is quality parameter to measure the agreement between several annotations of the same asset, made by different annotators The global mark for the project depends on the | |
consensusMarkPerCategory | JSON | Consensus mark per category, averaged over all assets labeled on the project | |
consensusTotCoverage | Int | Consensus is quality parameter to measure the agreement between several annotations of the same asset, made by different annotators Its coverage is the percentage (between 0 and 100) of the dataset that will be annotated several times. | |
createdAt | DateTime! | ||
dataConnections | [DataConnection] | ||
dataset | [Asset!] | The Dataset is all the assets related to this project | |
description | String | ||
deletedAt | DateTime | ||
hasCustomPlugins | Boolean! | True if there is an activated on_custom_interface_click plugin on project | |
honeypotMark | Float | Honeypot is a quality parameter to measure the agreement between a pre-annotated asset (a golden standard) and the annotation made by an annotator. Quality is measured against a predefined truth. At the project level, it is the mean accross all anotators and all assets selected for honeypot. | |
inputType | InputType! | The type of asset for the project : AUDIO | |
instructions | String | ||
interface | JSON! | A JSON file containing all the informations regarding the graphical user interface configured at the beginning of a project, made available to users, to enable them to perform the annotation task. Duplicate of jsonInterface formatted as as JSON instead of a string. | |
interfaceCompute | JSON | Technical field. | |
isAnonymized | Boolean! | If a project is anonymized for labelers and reviewers | |
jsonInterface | String | A JSON file containing all the informations regarding the graphical user interface configured at the beginning of a project, made available to users, to enable them to perform the annotation task. | |
labelingQueueStatus | ProjectQueueStatus! | The status of the labeling queue. | |
metadataTypes | JSON | Custom types for metadata | |
minConsensusSize | Int | Consensus is quality parameter to measure the agreement between several annotations of the same asset, made by different annotators Its minimum size is the number of annotators that will have to annotate the same asset. It must be set to a number less than or equal to the total number of annotators. | |
mlTasks | String | Technical field, the unique types of tasks found in the project interface. | |
mlTasksCompute | String | Technical field. | |
numberOfAssets | Int | ||
numberOfAssetsWithSkippedLabels ⚠️ | Int | [Deprecated] The number of assets one annotator at least skipped in the project. ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
numberOfSkippedAssets | Int | The number of assets one annotator at least skipped in the project. | |
numberOfOpenIssues | Int | The total number of open issues in the project. | |
numberOfOpenQuestions | Int | The total number of open questions in the project. | |
numberOfRemainingAssets | Int | The number of unlabeled assets in the project | |
numberOfSolvedIssues | Int | The total number of solved issues in the project. | |
numberOfSolvedQuestions | Int | The total number of solved questions in the project. | |
numberOfReviewedAssets | Int | The number of assets reviewed in the project | |
versions | [ProjectVersion!] | List of project versions. | |
reviewCoverage | Int | Review is a quality assessment procedure in which the reviewer validate or not the label created on asset. He can create issues on the labels or on several annotations, or send back to annotation. Its coverage is the percentage (between 0 and 100) of the dataset that will be up for review once labeled | |
rights | [Right!]! | The list of project rights. | |
rules ⚠️ | JSON | [Deprecated] Constraints to be applied to the annotation jobs for rule-based annotation. ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
shouldRelaunchKpiComputation | Boolean | Technical field. | |
title | String | ||
updatedAt | DateTime! | ||
archivedAt | DateTime | ||
useHoneyPot | Boolean | Honeypot is a quality parameter to measure the agreement between a pre-annotated asset (a golden standard) and the annotation made by an annotator. Quality is measured against a predefined truth. True or false depending on if Honeypot is activated for this project. | |
minAndMaxPriority | [Int!] | Min and max priority of the assets of the project | |
roles | [ProjectUser!] | One or more projectUsers inivited to the project. | |
myRole | ProjectUser |
ProjectMutex ensure that pods are synchronized when accessing to next asset to label
ProjectUser is the instance of a user within a project.
A projectUser has a role (ADMIN, TEAM_MANAGER, REVIEWER, LABELER) which grants him specific rights within this project in terms of read/write operations.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
_ | Boolean | ||
id | ID! | ||
activated | Boolean! | Activated projectUsers can access their project. Deactivated projectUsers cannot access their project. | |
consensusMark ⚠️ | Float | Consensus mark of a projectUser is the average of all consensus marks on all assets labeled with type DEFAULT by the projectUser. This is a calculated field, so querying it may slow down the query. ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
consensusMarkPerCategory | JSON | Consensus mark per category, averaged over all assets labeled with type DEFAULT by the projectUser | |
consensusMarkCompute | Float | Technical field. | |
deletedAt | DateTime | ||
honeypotMark | Float | Honeypot mark of a projectUser is the average of all honeypot marks on all assets labeled with type DEFAULT by the projectUser. This is a calculated field, so querying it may slow down the query. | |
honeypotMarkCompute | Float | Technical field. | |
status | ProjectUserStatus! | status indicates the current projectuser status. | |
isAuthor | Boolean | isAuthor indicates whether a project user is author of its project or not. | |
lastLabelingAt | String | ||
lastLabelingAtCompute | String | Technical field. | |
numberOfAnnotations | Int | Number of annotations of a projectUser is the total count of all number of annotations on all assets labeled with type DEFAULT by the projectUser. This is a calculated field, so querying it may slow down the query. | |
numberOfAnnotationsCompute | Int | Technical field. | |
numberOfLabeledAssets | Int | Number of labeled assets of a projectUser is the number of assets labeled with type DEFAULT by the projectUser. | |
numberOfLabeledAssetsCompute | Int | Technical field. | |
numberOfLabels | Int | Number of labels of type "DEFAULT" and "REVIEW" made by the projectUser. | |
numberOfLabelsCompute | Int | Technical field. | |
project | Project! | Project of projectUser | |
role | ProjectRole! | Role of projectUser within the project. It can either be: ADMIN | |
starred | Boolean! | Did user from projectUser star project in the list of projects on front page? | |
totalDuration | Int | Total time (in seconds) spent labelling assets labeled with type DEFAULT or REVIEW by the projectUser. This is a calculated field, so querying it may slow down the query. | |
totalDurationCompute | Int | Technical field. | |
user | User! | User of projectUser |
ProjectVersion is a snapshot of the list of labels of a project at a given time.
A projectVersion has a name and a download link to the snapshot.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
_ | Boolean | ||
id | ID! | ID of the project version. | |
name | String! | Name of the project version. | |
createdAt | DateTime! | Date of which the project version was created. | |
content | String | Link to download the project version. | |
project | Project | Project from which the version was created. | |
projectId | String! | ProjectId from which the version was created. |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
_ | Boolean | ||
assetDeleted | AssetDeletedOutput | Subscription allowing to receive updates on every action updating or creating a label. | |
projectID | ID! | ||
dataConnectionUpdated | DataConnection | Subscription allowing to receive updates on every action updating or creating a label. | |
projectID | ID! | ||
dataIntegrationUpdated | DataIntegrationUpdatedSubscriptionData | Subscription allowing to receive updates on every action updating or creating a label. | |
dataIntegrationID | ID! | ||
labelCreatedOrUpdated | Label | Subscription allowing to receive updates on every action updating or creating a label. | |
projectID | ID! | ||
notificationCreatedOrUpdated | Notification | Subscription allowing to receive updates on every action updating or creating a notification. | |
userID | ID! | ||
projectUserCreated | Project | Subscription allowing to receive updates on every action updating or creating a projectUser. | |
String! | |||
projectVersionCreatedOrUpdated | ProjectVersion | Subscription allowing to receive updates on every action updating or creating a projectVersion. | |
projectID | ID! | ||
pendingRequestCreatedOrUpdated | Int! | Subscription allowing to receive updates on every action updating or creating a pendingRequest. | |
input | PendingRequestCreatedOrUpdatedInput |
Tag is a tag, i.e., some small descriptive text enclosed within a coloured chip, which can be created organisation-wide and can then be checked for one or more projects.
Tags are meant to help the users, especially administrators, sort and search for projects.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
_ | Boolean | ||
id | ID! | ||
organizationId | ID! | Identifier of the organization for which this tag exists | |
color | String | Optional colour of the tag, format: # plus six hexadecimal case insensitive digits, e.g. | |
label | String! | Required label of the tag | |
checkedForProjects | [ID!] | Optional list of project identifiers in the organisation for which this tag is checked |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
date | DateTime! | ||
userId | ID! | ||
value | Int | Total duration on action for user on given granularity | |
action | LabelerAction! |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
text | String! |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
metrics | UsageMetrics! | ||
date | String! | Date ISO 8601 representing a month or a day, depending on granularity |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
metrics | UsageMetrics! | ||
period | Period! | Period on which metrics are aggregated |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
details | [UsageMetricsAt!]! | ||
total | UsageMetricsOnPeriod! | ||
granularity | OrganizationUsageMetricsGranularity! |
Users belong to an organization. They can create projects within that organization.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
_ | Boolean | ||
id | ID! | ||
activated | Boolean! | Activated users can log in to Kili Technology. Deactivated users cannot log in to Kili Technology. | |
apiKeys | [ApiKey!] | ||
auth0Id | String | User ID in Auth0 database | |
createdAt | DateTime! | ||
String! | Email works as a unique identifier for a user. | ||
firstname | String | Firstname of the user | |
hasCompletedLabelingTour | Boolean! | The user has completed the Labeling Product Tour | |
highestRoleInProject | String! | The highest role in a project of the user is the role with the most rights ('Admin' > 'Team Manager' > 'Reviewer' > 'Labeler' > 'NA' (not a member of any projects)) attained by the user as a project user. | |
highestRoleInProjectCompute | String | Technical field. | |
hubspotSubscriptionStatus | HubspotSubscriptionStatus | The user accepts to be contacted by Kili Technology. | |
isServiceAccount | Boolean! | Defines if the user is a service account | |
lastname | String | Lastname of the user | |
matchingDomainOrganizations | [OrganizationMatchingDomain!]! | matchingDomainOrganizations that match domain of the user's email | |
organization ⚠️ | Organization | Each user can belong to one organization. ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
organizations | [Organization!] | ||
organizationId | String! | ||
organizationRole | OrganizationRole | Within an organization, a user can either be:
| |
projectUsers | [ProjectUser!]! | The role of a User within a project are defined by a ProjectUser. | |
rights | [Right!]! | The list of user rights. | |
status | UserStatus | The status of a User | |
updatedAt | DateTime! |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | ||
labelId | ID! | ||
job | String! | ||
path | [[String!]!]! | ||
frames | [FrameInterval!]! | ||
keyAnnotations | [VideoClassificationKeyAnnotation!] |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | ||
isPrediction | Boolean! | ||
frame | Int! | ||
annotationValue | ClassificationAnnotationValue! |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | ||
labelId | ID! | ||
job | String! | ||
path | [[String!]!]! | ||
frames | [FrameInterval!]! | ||
keyAnnotations | [VideoObjectDetectionKeyAnnotation!] | ||
name | String | Name of the object | |
mid | String! | Object id (Necessary to keep old mids) | |
category | String! | Category of the object |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | ||
isPrediction | Boolean! | ||
frame | Int! | ||
annotationValue | ObjectDetectionAnnotationValue! |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | ||
labelId | ID! | ||
job | String! | ||
path | [[String!]!]! | ||
frames | [FrameInterval!]! | ||
keyAnnotations | [VideoTranscriptionKeyAnnotation!] |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | ||
isPrediction | Boolean! | ||
frame | Int! | ||
annotationValue | TranscriptionAnnotationValue! |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
type | WarningTypes | ||
externalId | String | ||
lineNumber | Int | ||
details | String |
Field | Type | Description | |
id | ID! |
Field | Type | Description | |
isAccepting | Boolean! |
Field | Type | Description | |
jobNames | [String!]! |
Field | Type | Description | |
labelId | ID | ||
annotationChanges | AnnotationLocalChanges | ||
annotationValueChanges | AnnotationValueLocalChanges |
Field | Type | Description | |
id | ID! | ||
category | String | ||
frames | [FrameIntervalInput!]! | ||
job | String! | ||
mid | String | ||
name | String | ||
task | String! | ||
path | [[String!]!]! | ||
values | [AnnotationValueCreateInput!]! |
Field | Type | Description | |
id | ID! |
Field | Type | Description | |
creates | [AnnotationCreateInput!] | ||
updates | [AnnotationUpdateInput!] | ||
deletes | [AnnotationDeleteInput!] |
Field | Type | Description | |
creates | [AnnotationValueCreateInput!] | ||
updates | [AnnotationValueCreateInput!] | ||
deletes | [AnnotationValueDeleteInput!] |
Field | Type | Description | |
labelId | String! |
Field | Type | Description | |
contentArray | [String!] | ||
externalIDArray | [String!] | ||
idArray | [String!] | ||
jsonMetadataArray | [String!] | ||
uploadType | UploadType |
Field | Type | Description | |
labelsData | [AppendLabelData!]! | ||
labelType | LabelType! | ||
refuseInvalidJsonResponse | Boolean | ||
overwrite | Boolean |
Field | Type | Description | |
userEmail | String! | ||
role | ProjectRole! |
Field | Type | Description | |
consensusMark | Float | ||
content | String | ||
externalId | String | ||
honeypotMark | Float | ||
isHoneypot | Boolean | ||
isToReview | Boolean | ||
isUsedForConsensus | Boolean | ||
jsonContent | String | ||
jsonMetadata | String | ||
priority | Int | ||
resolution | ResolutionInput | ||
sentBackTo | [String] | ||
shouldResetToBeLabeledBy | Boolean | ||
skipped | Boolean | ||
status | Status | ||
toBeLabeledBy | [String] | ||
pageResolutions | [PageResolutionInput!] |
Field | Type | Description | |
assigneeIn | [String!] | ||
consensusMarkGte | Float | ||
consensusMarkLte | Float | ||
createdAtGte | String | ||
createdAtLte | String | ||
externalId | String | ||
externalIdStrictlyIn | [String] | ||
externalIdIn | [String] | ||
honeypotMarkGte | Float | ||
honeypotMarkLte | Float | ||
inferenceMarkGte | Float | ||
inferenceMarkLte | Float | ||
id | ID | ||
idIn | [ID] | ||
idNotIn | [ID] | ||
isHoneypot | Boolean | ||
issue | IssueWhere | ||
label | LabelWhere | ||
latestLabel | LabelWhere | ||
metadata | JSON | ||
project | ProjectWhere | ||
skipped | Boolean | ||
sort | String | ||
statusIn | [String] | ||
updatedAtGte | String | ||
updatedAtLte | String |
Field | Type | Description | |
text | String! |
Field | Type | Description | |
author | UserWhere | ||
id | ID | ||
issue | IssueWhere |
Field | Type | Description | |
jsonResponse | String! |
Field | Type | Description | |
pluginName | String! |
Field | Type | Description | |
handlerTypes | [PluginHandlerType!] | Actions for which the plugin should be executed | |
pluginName | String! |
Field | Type | Description | |
description | String! | ||
inputType | InputType! | ||
jsonInterface | String! | ||
projectType | ProjectType | ||
title | String! | ||
complianceTags | [ComplianceTag] |
Field | Type | Description | |
String! | |||
firstname | String | ||
lastname | String | ||
password | String | ||
organizationRole | OrganizationRole! |
Field | Type | Description | |
pluginName | String! | ||
handlerTypes | [PluginHandlerType!] | Actions for which the webhook should be called | |
webhookUrl | String! | Url of the webhook | |
header | String | Security Authorization header for calls made to the webhook |
Field | Type | Description | |
id | ID! |
Field | Type | Description | |
bucketKey | String | ||
connectionId | ID | ||
dataAssetId | String | ||
type | DataDifferenceType |
Field | Type | Description | |
connectionId | ID! | ||
type | DataDifferenceType |
Field | Type | Description | |
allowedPaths | [String!] | ||
awsAccessPointARN | String | ||
awsRoleARN | String | ||
awsRoleExternalId | String | ||
azureConnectionURL | String | ||
azureIsUsingServiceCredentials | Boolean | ||
azureSASToken | String | ||
azureTenantId | String | ||
gcpBucketName | String | ||
includeRootFiles | Boolean | ||
internalProcessingAuthorized | Boolean | ||
name | String | ||
organizationId | ID | ||
platform | DataIntegrationPlatform | ||
status | DataIntegrationStatus |
Field | Type | Description | |
status | DataIntegrationStatus | ||
id | ID | ||
name | String | ||
organizationId | ID | ||
platform | DataIntegrationPlatform |
Field | Type | Description | |
id | ID! |
Field | Type | Description | |
pluginName | String! |
Field | Type | Description | |
keyFilePath | String |
Field | Type | Description | |
pluginName | String! |
Field | Type | Description | |
metrics | [OrganizationMetricInput!] | ||
granularity | OrganizationUsageMetricsGranularity! | ||
startDate | DateTime! | ||
endDate | DateTime! |
Field | Type | Description | |
asset | AssetWhere | ||
assetIn | [String] | ||
assignee | ProjectUserWhere | ||
assigneeIdsIn | [String] | ||
author | ProjectUserWhere | ||
id | ID | ||
project | ProjectWhere | ||
status | String | ||
type | IssueType |
Field | Type | Description | |
asset | AssetWhere | ||
authorIn | [String] | ||
consensusMarkGte | Float | ||
consensusMarkLte | Float | ||
createdAt | String | ||
createdAtGte | String | ||
createdAtLte | String | ||
honeypotMarkGte | Float | ||
honeypotMarkLte | Float | ||
id | ID | ||
idIn | [ID] | ||
labelerIn | [String] | ||
project | ProjectWhere | ||
reviewerIn | [String] | ||
search | String | ||
transcriptionSearch | String | ||
typeIn | [String] | ||
user | UserWhere |
Field | Type | Description | |
id | ID |
Field | Type | Description | |
hasBeenSeen | Boolean | ||
message | String | ||
status | NotificationStatus | ||
url | String | ||
userID | String |
Field | Type | Description | |
archived | Boolean | ||
author | String | ||
complianceTags | [ComplianceTag] | ||
consensusMark | Float | ||
consensusTotCoverage | Int | ||
description | String | ||
canNavigateBetweenAssets | Boolean | ||
canUseGeneratedShortcut | Boolean | ||
canSkipAsset | Boolean | ||
honeypotMark | Float | ||
inputType | InputType | ||
instructions | String | ||
jsonInterface | String | ||
metadataTypes | JSON | ||
minConsensusSize | Int | ||
numberOfAssets | Int | ||
rules | String | ||
numberOfSkippedAssets | Int | ||
numberOfRemainingAssets | Int | ||
numberOfReviewedAssets | Int | ||
reviewCoverage | Int | ||
shouldRelaunchKpiComputation | Boolean | ||
title | String | ||
useHoneyPot | Boolean |
Field | Type | Description | |
activated | Boolean | ||
consensusMark | Float | ||
honeypotMark | Float | ||
status | ProjectUserStatus | ||
numberOfAnnotations | Int | ||
numberOfLabeledAssets | Int | ||
role | ProjectRole | ||
starred | Boolean | ||
totalDuration | Int |
Field | Type | Description | |
id | ID | ||
status | ProjectUserStatus | ||
isAuthor | Boolean | ||
project | ProjectWhere | ||
user | UserWhere | ||
activeInProject | Boolean |
Field | Type | Description | |
content | String |
Field | Type | Description | |
id | ID | ||
idNotIn | [ID] | ||
asset | AssetWhere | ||
archived | Boolean | ||
complianceTags | [ComplianceTag] | ||
searchQuery | String | ||
shouldRelaunchKpiComputation | Boolean | ||
starred | Boolean | ||
updatedAtGte | String | ||
updatedAtLte | String | ||
createdAtGte | String | ||
createdAtLte | String | ||
progressGte | Float | ||
progressLte | Float | ||
tagIds | [String] | ||
title | String | ||
assetTypes | [String] |
Field | Type | Description | |
lockType | LockType! |
Field | Type | Description | |
id | ID! |
Field | Type | Description | |
projectID | ID! | ||
role | ProjectRole! | ||
userID | ID! |
Field | Type | Description | |
projectId | ID! | ||
assetId | ID! | ||
label | RunPluginLabelData! |
Field | Type | Description | |
jsonResponse | String! |
Field | Type | Description | |
honeypotValue | Boolean! |
Field | Type | Description | |
String! |
Field | Type | Description | |
revoked | Boolean! |
Field | Type | Description | |
assetId | ID! | ||
resolution | ResolutionInput | ||
pageResolutions | [PageResolutionInput!] |
Field | Type | Description | |
handlerTypes | [PluginHandlerType!] | Actions for which the plugin should be executed | |
pluginName | String! |
Field | Type | Description | |
pluginName | String! | ||
handlerTypes | [PluginHandlerType!] | Actions for which the webhook should be called | |
webhookUrl | String! | Url of the webhook | |
header | String | Security Authorization header for calls made to the webhook |
Field | Type | Description | |
activated | Boolean | ||
apiKey | String | ||
auth0Id | String | ||
String | |||
firstname | String | ||
hasCompletedLabelingTour | Boolean | ||
hubspotSubscriptionStatus | HubspotSubscriptionStatus | ||
lastname | String | ||
organization | String | ||
organizationId | String | ||
organizationRole | OrganizationRole | ||
status | UserStatus |
Field | Type | Description | |
activated | Boolean | ||
apiKey | String | ||
String | |||
id | ID | ||
idIn | [ID!] | ||
organization | OrganizationWhere | ||
status | UserStatus |
Field | Type | Description | |
connectionId | ID! | ||
type | DataDifferenceType! |
Value | Description |
Status | |
OpenQuestions | |
Skipped | |
Inference | |
Consensus | |
Honeypot |
Value | Description |
NumberOfAnnotations | |
NumberOfPredictedAnnotations | |
Consensus |
Value | Description |
PHI | |
Value | Description |
ADD | |
Value | Description |
AWS | |
Azure | |
Value | Description |
Value | Description |
Value | Description |
HOUR | |
DAY | |
WEEK | |
Value | Description |
NA | |
Value | Description |
Value | Description |
TEXT | |
Value | Description |
OPEN | |
Value | Description |
Value | Description |
RAW | |
YOLO_V4 | |
Value | Description |
Value | Description |
Labeling | |
Reviewing |
Value | Description |
Consensus | |
Honeypot | |
LabeledAssets | |
ReviewedAssets | |
LabelingTime | |
ReviewingTime | |
Annotations | |
PairedReviewScore |
Value | Description |
Value | Description |
Value | Description |
error | |
warn | |
debug | |
info |
Value | Description |
Value | Description |
LabeledAssets | |
Annotations | |
PredictionAndInferenceLabels | |
Members |
Value | Description |
Value | Description |
DAY | |
Value | Description |
onCustomInterfaceClick | |
onProjectUpdated | |
onReview | |
onSubmit |
Value | Description |
Value | Description |
Value | Description |
OCR | |
Value | Description |
Value | Description |
Honeypot | |
Consensus | |
Inference |
Value | Description |
PairedReviewScore |
Value | Description |
Value | Description |
Value | Description |
TODO | |
Value | Description |
Value | Description |
Value | Description |
The Boolean
scalar type represents true
or false
A date-time string at UTC, such as 2007-12-03T10:15:30Z, compliant with the date-time
format outlined in section 5.6 of the RFC 3339 profile of the ISO 8601 standard for representation of dates and times using the Gregorian calendar.
Custom scalar enforcing a string to be an email
The Float
scalar type represents signed double-precision fractional values as specified by IEEE 754.
The ID
scalar type represents a unique identifier, often used to refetch an object or as key for a cache. The ID type appears in a JSON response as a String; however, it is not intended to be human-readable. When expected as an input type, any string (such as "4"
) or integer (such as 4
) input value will be accepted as an ID.
The Int
scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1.
scalar type represents JSON values as specified by ECMA-404.
Custom scalar enforcing a pagination of queries. Maximum value is 500
The String
scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | ||
labelId | ID! | ||
job | String! | ||
path | [[String!]!]! | ||
frames | [FrameInterval!]! | List of intervals where the annotation is present | |
keyAnnotations | [VideoKeyAnnotation!] | List of manually set values for the annotation |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | ||
isPrediction | Boolean! | ||
frame | Int! | ||
annotationValue | AnnotationValue! |