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Kili internal label types (for example, for use with Kili SDK) change throughout an asset lifecycle. A label can be either or:


The DEFAULT type is applied to a label when:

  • Annotations are submitted on unlabeled assets (status = To Do).
  • Edits are submitted on labeled assets (status = Labeled).


The REVIEW type is applied to a label during the review process:

  • To assets with To review status when reviewing through project Queue page.
  • To assets with Labeled, To review or Reviewed status when reviewing through the "Explore" view.


The PREDICTION type can be applied to a label when annotations made by a model (pre-annotations or real predictions) are uploaded through API.
Unlike with INFERENCE, PREDICTION-type annotations are displayed on asset during the labeling process.
Before submitting, labelers can confirm what model produced, edit, and/or add new annotations.


The INFERENCE type can be applied to a label when annotations made by a model (pre-annotations or real predictions) are uploaded through API.
Unlike with PREDICTIONS, INFERENCE-type annotations are not displayed on asset during the labeling process.
INFERENCE-type labels are used for IoU (intersection over union) calculation if you want to benchmark your model predictions, or labelers' work quality against ground truth.