June 10th, 2020
over 4 years ago by Kili Technology
- APP / All interfaces: You can now search on category names, to filter out choices
- Performances: It is much quicker to go from one asset to the other. We also worked on the performances of complexes interfaces: it is much quicker when you edit an object. It is also much quicker when you review assets. A temporary side effect is that you need to refresh the Overview to update KPIs.
- APP / SEGMENTATION: We drastically improved the UX to have a frictionless experience mixing pencil and polygon tool.
- APP / NER: readability of multi destination entities relationship has been improved.
- APP : JSON interface has been simplified and Filtetype key has been removed
- Security: We implemented HSTS
- Projects on the old viewer are no longer maintained from this week.
- APP / Segmentation: Non connex forms, fusion of forms, subtraction of areas, change of classes, drawing of very small objects are managed appropriately again.
- APP / All interfaces: Instructions are normally available